Cody-Kilgore FFA members battled through the heat & sand burs yesterday and competed at area Range in Arthur!
Out of 93 Junior contestants, receiving green ribbons were: James Walkling (5th overall)
Luke Cooper (12th overall)
Lilly Ravenscroft (18th overall)
Logan Pongratz (19th overall)
Also, placing in the top half were: Amanda Pongratz, Isaac Pitkin, Alex Barnes & Connor Simmons.
Other contestants included: Bentley Ford, Holden Moreland, Mikena Sterkel, Emiliano Garza and Wesley Willert.
A total of 27 Junior teams competed, the team of James, Luke, Lilly & Logan placed 5th overall. The team of Amanda, Isaac, Alex & Connor placed 8th overall.
Mr. Nollette competed in the adult division and earned 1st place!
Congratulations to all!
about 11 hours ago, Joslyn Nollette
Juniors and seniors traveled to Chadron State College for a college fair today! Students were able to visit with representatives from 2 and 4-year colleges, tech colleges, career schools, and several branches of the military.
about 11 hours ago, Kristin Fay
The fifth graders attended Nature Fest 2024 at the Fort Niobrara Wildlife Refuge last Wednesday. There were several other schools that attended as well. This year's theme was Sandhills Prairie and Bison. After the day at the refuge concluded, the C-K fifth graders had ice cream in the Valentine City Park and spent time at the Valentine Public Library. Even with the warm temperatures that day, the students had fun and learned a lot!
about 11 hours ago, Becky Lancaster
Never Forget, Never Forgotten
about 16 hours ago, Jodi Mosher
Great News! The coach bus has been Fixed! It will leave Cody at 6:30 a.m. and stop in Kilgore and Crookston. If you have any questions, contact the school! A huge thank you to all parents who stepped up and volunteered!
1 day ago, Jodi Mosher
Please joins us for the Groundbreaking Ceremony and Track-N-Field Day!! All WELCOME!!
1 day ago, Jodi Mosher
The Coach bus is out of commission. Please let us know if you can transport your child to Santee or if your child will need transportation. or 402-823-4117
2 days ago, Jodi Mosher
September 14, 2024
1-Bridgeport v. Potter-Dix 1-NP St Pats v. Cody-Kilgore
2-Bridgeport v. Cody-Kilgore 2-NP St Pats v. Potter-Dix
3-Bridgeport v. NP St Pats 3-Cody-Kilgore v. Potter-Dix
Matches begin at 9 a.m. mountain time in both gyms
3 days ago, Jodi Mosher
Good Luck Cowboys! Join us at Cody Athletic Park for all of the action!
6 days ago, George Arnold
Good Evening
The Cody-Kilgore School Board will be meeting on September 9th in Cody.
5:30- Budget Hearing
5:45- Tax Asking Hearing
6:00- Regular Board Meeting
Agenda Regular Board Meeting
1. Building Project
2. Set Budget for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year
3. Set Tax Asking for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year
4. Depreciation Plan 24-25
5. Circle C Freezer
6. Special Building Payment on Building Project
7. Adopt NASB Superintendent Evaluation Tool
8. Board Policies
9. Superintendent/ Principal Reports
6 days ago, Ryan Orrock
Reminder- There is school tomorrow for only 9th-12th grade from 8 am to 12 pm. Merriman bus will pick up students at 7 am. Buses will leave Cody at 12:05 pm. If you have any questions, please call 402-823-4117.
7 days ago, Jodi Mosher
FCA is throwing a pizza party! If you would like to join please sign up in the office!!
7 days ago, Jodi Mosher
JH Football Schedule update:
JH's game against Sioux County on Oct 18th has been canceled due to low numbers.
We have added another game with Hay Springs on Sept 30th at Hay Springs. Kick-off is at 4:30 PM
8 days ago, Tony Galvin
We need volunteers for the chain gang at HS Football games. We also need refs for JH Football and chain gang volunteers.
We pay for reffing, and the chain gang crew gets free concessions. We are thankful for those who have helped in the past and continue to help, but we need more help so that the same people are not asked each week.
We need two helpers for the chain gang for the high school football game on Friday. Kick-off is at 1 p.m., and I would like the chain gang to be at the field by 12:45 p.m.
The other games that we need help with reffing and chain gang are:
Sept 27th for junior high and high school
Oct 11th for junior high and high school.
If you do not have experience with chain gang, it takes 5 minutes to learn. HS refs do a great job helping the chain gang.
Please contact Mr. Galvin if you are interested in helping. We'd greatly appreciate it!
8 days ago, Tony Galvin
Groundbreaking Ceremony
9 days ago, Jodi Mosher
MS/HS Sports orders due TODAY! MS/HS School Picture order forms are coming home today, please return to High School office Thursday, September 12th. Contact OR (402)841-1417
High School VB game in Arthur @ 4 pm MT
Range Judging Clinic September 4th @ Nenzel.
Leaving Cody at 8am , returning to school 12:30,
lunch served in Nenzel.
Range practice @ 7am is pending, Mr. Nollette will be in contact
Art Club Meeting-lunch
5th Grade Field Trip
Thursday- Elementary School Pictures, Sibling Pictures 7:30 am
Miles of Smiles
MS VB game in Hyannis at 2 pm MT—Van leaves at 11:30 am.
Friday- Home Football game against Garden Co @ 1 pm
9 days ago, Jodi Mosher
It's gameday, Cowgirls! Good luck at the Arthur Triangular!
9 days ago, George Arnold
Fall sports order forms are being sent home with your child tonight.Joslyn will be at the football games on Friday if you wish to turn them in before the weekend, otherwise your child can return them to the office next Tuesday. Cash or Checks written to JNollette Photography. If you have any questions about ordering please get in touch with Joslyn Nollette. OR 402-841-1417
Weekly Update
High School Volleyball game in Ainsworth at 4:30 Central Time
Junior High NSCAS Testing
Junior High NSCAS Testing
Junior High/High School Class Meetings-5th hour
Boys Basketball meeting- lunch hour- Mrs Fay's room
FFA Kick Off/Sign Off- Cody Park- 6:30 PM
Junior High Volleyball Game against Stuart at Cody- 11 am- High School Gym
Junior High Football Game against Stuart at Cody- 11 am- Football Field
High School Football Game against Stuart at Cody- 1 pm- Football Field
No School- Labor Day