Due to the rescheduling of some basketball pictures, the order deadline has been extended to Monday, December 16th. Thank you for your patience in finalizing make-up photos & the boys team picture (now scheduled for Saturday December 14th).
2 months ago, Jodi Mosher
A heartfelt thank you to Adam Naslund and Shannon Ravenscroft for their dedicated service to the Cody-Kilgore School District. Adam contributed 12 years of commitment, and Shannon devoted 8 years. Your hard work and dedication have made a lasting impact!
2 months ago, Cody-Kilgore Unified Schools
FFA members were extra efficient in sorting orders today! If you indicated on your order form that you would like to pick your fruit up in Nenzel @ the community building, we will be here tonight until 7 pm, as well as tomorrow night from 4-8 pm, since many orders are currently going out the door today, we will NOT have a meal with pickup this year! All orders must be picked up by 8 pm Tuesday, as we only have access to the Community Building for 2 days. Thanks again for supporting Cody-Kilgore FFA!
2 months ago, Jodi Mosher
FFA Fruit can be picked up in Nenzel Tuesday Dec 10th. Please see attached image for further information.
2 months ago, Jodi Mosher
Please join us tomorrow night- One-Act presents: "Admissions" 7:00 pm tomorrow night at the Adamson Community Theater.
2 months ago, Jodi Mosher
Congratulations to our High School Football Players for their recognition!
2 months ago, Tony Galvin
School Board Agenda December 9, 2024 6:30 p.m. Kilgore Modular 1. Assessment Results 2023-2024 2. Building Project- Ayars & Ayars Invoice- Project Controls Invoice-Building Colors and Materials 3. Depreciation Plan 4. Board Policies 5. Open Bids for Van 9 6. Surplus- Basketball Jerseys 7. First Reading Academic Calendars 25-26 8. Superintendent Evaluation 24-25 9. Principal/Superintendent Reports 10. Executive Session: Personnel/Negotiations Policies Being Reviewed 4046 Internet Searches Regarding Potential Employees 4047 Implementation of Student Assistance Team Process 4048 Assessment Security 4049 This number intentionally left blank 4050 Overtime and Compensatory Time 4051 Use of Social Media by School District Employees 4052 Job References to Prospective Employers 4053 Conflict of Interest 4054 Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect 4055 Head Teacher
2 months ago, Cody-Kilgore Unified Schools
Help support C-K Boosters!
2 months ago, Kristin Fay
Congratulations to the Cody-Kilgore One-Act team on a Superior performance at District contest. Special congratulations to our Outstanding Actress award winners Madysen, Kynzee and Addysen!
2 months ago, George Arnold
One-Act performers
Cody-Kilgore has the following positions open: High School Track Coach for the 2024-2025 school year. Please get in touch with Tony Galvin at tony.galvin@cody-kilgore.com or 402-823-4117. Janitorial Position MS/HS for the 2024-2025 school year. The position is open until filled. Please contact Ryan Orrock at ryan.orrock@cody-kilgore.com or 605-850-4540. Part-time School Vehicle Cleaning for the 2024-2025 school year. The position is open until filled. Please contact Ryan Orrock at ryan.orrock@cody-kilgore.com or 605-850-4540. MS/HS Special Education Paraprofessional for the 2024-2025 school year. The position is open until filled. Please contact Ryan Orrock at ryan.orrock@cody-kilgore.com or 605-850-4540.
2 months ago, Cody-Kilgore Unified Schools
We are looking for people to run the shot clock during high school boys' and girls' home games. The position offers compensation and concession stand perks. Our first home game is Friday, December 6th. Girls Varsity tip-off is at 5:00 PM. I would need you there by 4:30 PM to review how to run the shot clock. Please reach out to Tony Galvin. 402-823-4117
2 months ago, Tony Galvin
The game with Oelrich's has been canceled. We found a team to fill their spot. The girls' varsity basketball team will travel to Howes, SD, to play Takini. It will only be a varsity game. Tip-off will be at 4 PM Mountain time.
3 months ago, Jodi Mosher
As we enter the holiday season, I want to wish you a joyful and safe time with your loved ones. Winter Weather Reminders Please ensure students are dressed appropriately for the colder temperatures. Warm clothing, including coats, hats, and gloves, is essential during this chilly season. For elementary students, please send boots and an additional pair of shoes to minimize mud and snow being tracked into the building. In the event of school delays or cancellations, updates will be shared through the following channels: KVSH Radio KSDZ Radio Keloland Closeline: http://Closeline.Keloland.com Facebook and Live Feed Direct Message Alerts to Families While I aim to make decisions as early as possible to assist with planning, sometimes itā€™s necessary to wait until morning to evaluate actual weather conditions. I remain in close contact with state and county officials to assess road conditions and make the safest decision for our school community. We understand that weather conditions can vary widely across our district, especially for families who travel long distances. If you feel it is unsafe for your child to be on the road, please prioritize their safety and keep them home.
3 months ago, Ryan Orrock
MS/HS Basketball pictures will be on December 2nd. Middle school players will start at 3 p.m., and the HS players will follow.
3 months ago, Jodi Mosher
There will be a noon dismissal on Wednesday, November 27th. Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago, Cody-Kilgore Unified Schools
November is Native American Heritage Month, a time dedicated to celebrating the culture, traditions, and achievements of the nation's first inhabitants and descendants. In addition, Native American Heritage Day will be observed on Friday, November 29th, the day after Thanksgiving. This day highlights the rich cultural heritage, traditions, and contributions of Native Americans and Alaska Natives. This week, Cody-Kilgore School will focus on learning about and honoring Native American Heritage Month and Native American Heritage Day.
3 months ago, Cody-Kilgore Unified Schools
Congratulations to Emma T., Jacey W., and Madi L., for receiving Outstanding Performance recognition at the Panhandle Activity Conference One-Act contest.
3 months ago, George Arnold
Small Fry Basketball- Tuesday, Nov 26th, 3rd-6th grade boys will practice after school and go till 6 pm at the White Elephant Hall. The week following Thanksgiving - 3rd-6th grade Girls and Boys will practice at the High School on Thursday nights after the HS Practice -6:30-7:30 pm. K-2nd Graders, Girls, and Boys will Practice on Thursday Nights at the White Elephant Hall from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Please reach out to the school if you have any questions 402-823-4117
3 months ago, Jodi Mosher
Reminder: Elementary students can enjoy Hat Day tomorrow, November 21st!
3 months ago, Ryan Orrock
It was an extremely early morning yesterday for 6 of our Cody-Kilgore FFA members and advisors as they departed at 4am for the District LDE contest @ Wallace, NE. We are excited to announce that all 6 members ribboned and 3 earned their way to state competition! Earning purple ribbons in Creed Speaking were Lilly Ravenscroft & James Walking. Earning a red ribbon in Junior Public Speaking was Emiliano Garza. Earning a purple ribbon, placing 2nd and qualifying for state in Cooperative Speaking was Kynzee McConaughey. Earning a purple ribbon, placing 3rd and qualifying for state in Natural Resources was Amanda Pongratz. Earning a purple ribbon, placing 1st and qualifying for state in Employment skills was Ally Heath. Congratulations to these members for their hard work, dedication, and accomplishments!
3 months ago, Joslyn Nollette
Left to Right: James Walkling, Kynzee McConaughey, Ally Heath, Lilly Ravenscroft, Amanda Pongratz, Emiliano Garza
Freshman LDE competitors
Ally Heath Employment Skills Winner!